Our Experts Are Invested in Your Success
Whether you’re new to Solr or seeking advanced optimization, our expertise ensures you’re equipped to exceed expectations, streamline operations, and stay ahead of industry trends. Join us in the journey towards unparalleled success on Solr.
Gain the confidence to navigate Solr’s on a new level, enhance your capabilities, and deliver superior search experiences. Elevate your expertise with our comprehensive training programs.
Our courses cover development and deployment to prepare you to tackle real-world search application requirements. Through a combination of lectures, hands-on, workshop-style lab exercises, along with examples and tutorials, students will learn to apply best practices to develop scalable, highly available and high-performance Solr applications. All you need is your laptop and lots of questions.
Solr Developer training is a 2-day instructor-led, hands-on classroom training course that teaches the skills necessary for developing a real search application using Solr. The course is designed to guide developers and search specialists with little or no Solr development experience by implementing Solr’s core feature set. Starting with a download from the Apache Solr project site, we will guide you step-by-step through the process of building a fully functional search application that uses best practices, and delivers relevant results. We go in-depth on configuring Solr including, FieldTypes and Analysis, linguistic processing, parsing rich document formats, crawling file systems and advanced querying. We also go through the basics of relevancy tuning.
Introduction to Search, Open Source and Apache
Terminology, Solr features & capabilities
Solr architecture overview; Scalability, Security, Connectors, Middleware
Operations, Monitoring, Query analytics
Understanding your users, data sources, content and use cases
Use a real-world example to get started with Solr
Techniques for making data searchable at index and query time. Schema, Field types, Attributes, Tokenizers
Spellcheck, Phonetic normalization, Synonym handling, Autocomplete
Solr query syntax, Local Params, Function queries, DisMax features, Faceting, Grouping
Architecture, Indexing, Querying, Segments, Caching
Recall & Precision, Scoring, Models (TD/IDF, BM25), Similarity, Tuning, Testing, Elevate
LatLon, Heatmaps, Indexing, Querying
Crawling, ManifoldCF, Security, DIH
Overview, Configuration, Routing
Architecture, Indexing, Querying, Segments, Caching
Plugins vs Patches, Request Handlers, SearchComponents, Parsers, Functions, FieldTypes, Security
This course is intended for Developers who will implement search solutions using Solr.
Instructor-led lectures accompanied by hands-on lab exercises, examples, and tutorials.
Participants receive electronic copies of all slides and handouts, as well as links to other resources and code downloads.
We are currently working on an open enrollment schedule for 2024. We can also provide private training based on your schedule. Please check back for updates or Contact Us for more information.
Solr Operations, Scaling & Tuning training is a 2-day instructor-led, hands-on classroom training course that teaches the skills necessary for installing and configuring Solr for production, including ZooKeeper and security. Attendees also learn various operational procedures and how to scale SolrCloud for best performance.
Introduction to Search, Open Source and Apache
Terminology, Solr features & capabilities
Solr architecture overview; Scalability, Security, Connectors, Middleware
Operations, Monitoring, Query analytics
Configuring Ports, JVM/GC settings, ZK, Solr Home and SSL
ZK Structure, CLI options and operations, Changing and distributing Solr config
Using the Backup API, Restoring with the Collections API
Upgrading major versions, Upgrading minor versions, Upgrading SolrCloud Cluster
Generate and install a certificate, Enabling authentication
Protecting ZK content with ACLs, CredentialProviders, ACLProvider
Pluggable Security framework, Basic authentication, Rule-based authorization, Security API
Sizing for data volume, indexing rate, query performance and high availability
Feeding efficiency, commit strategy, MergeFactor, Query Warmup
Query tuning, cache tuning, cache warming
Performance testing basics, Indexing & Query Performance
Hardware considerations, GC & Memory usage, Java VM options
Adding nodes, replicas/slaves and shards
Understanding Cross Data Center Replication
This course is intended for System Administrators and Developers who are involved in installing, operating, scaling and securing a Solr cluster.
Instructor-led lectures accompanied by hands-on lab exercises, examples, and tutorials.
Participants receive electronic copies of all slides and handouts, as well as links to other resources and code downloads.
We are currently working on an open enrollment schedule for 2024.We can also provide private training based on your schedule. Please check back for updates or Contact Us for more information.
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